“We must combat misinformation that is being spread.” ~ Ken Star
As competitive as the business environment is today nothing is more critical than all of your business information being listed on the web accurately. In fact, when it comes to information your potential customer absolutely expects it to be correct the first place they look.
Every business has a footprint on the web and most business either doesn’t know how to find it and correct it or they just don’t have time.
Potential customers used to rely on the phone book to get information about business. Now they rely on web directories, map listings, etc.
All too often the information listed across the wide variety of web directories about your business is not correct and all the marketing features of the directories are not being used.
If your phone number is wrong, business name incorrect, on line map listing is wrong or you’re still showing up at your old address, you are losing sales.
If the marketing features are not being used, you will just blend in with everyone else. We can make your directory listing stand out among the competition.
The importance of having your business information correct can’t be expressed enough. Having misinformation about your business on the web is hurting you more than you know.
Plus having all of your information correctly synced is crucial to your business’s search engine visibility.
Contact us and we’ll run a free report to let you know how your business is listed across the internet.